
Journal Amirani. 2010. Volume 22

Analysis of Desertification Process of “Gareja Desert” and Potential Rehabilitation Measures of Its Landscape

Author(s): Zurab Janelidze, Ilia Okromelidze

At the Convention on desertification adopted in 1994 by the UN the South Caucasus is named among the various regions around the world, which are under the desertification threat due to global warming and impact of human factors. Main reasons for acceleration of desertification process are considered modern global warming and negative human impact on landscapes.

Journal Amirani. 2010. Volume 22

Letter from Akhaltsikhe

Author(s): Kote Gvaramadze

"თქვენ კარგად მოგეხსენებათ მესხეთ-ჯავახეთი თვითმპყრობელი მეფისა და მინაგვარი მენშევიკების დროიდან ერთ-ერთ უბნელეს კუთხეს შეადგენდა მთელს საქართველოში, რომელიც მოკლებული იყო სწავლა-განათლებას და ყოველგვარს კულტურულს განვითარებას, ხოლო გამეფებული იყო მის მოსახლეობაში მრავალ ეროვანთა და სარწმუნოების მაღიარებელთა შორის სრულიად უვიცობა და ველური ცხოვრება, ცხოვრება არაადამიანური, რაც გამოწვეული იყო პოლიტიკურად ზერელედ ხსენებული ხელისუფლებისაგან..."

Journal Amirani. 2011. Volume 23

Legal and Economical Aspects of Regulation of Broadcasting Rights in Sports

Author(s): George Chiladze

Present work belongs to the sphere of the sport law, sport management and copyrigrt. The significant source of income in the area of sports exists in earnings received through television broadcast of sports events by broadcasting companies. The sales object consists of rights on primary shooting of the sports competition event, live or pre-recorded transmission of the event through employment of various technical means, conducted by broadcaster. The present work considers issues connected with international legal regulation of copyright and allied rights in the sphere of sports. The emphasis is made on the fact that in the area of sports, the significant obstacle is non-existence of special legislative regulation of the broadcasting as well as copyright and allied rights.

Journal Amirani. 2011. Volume 23

Some aspects of the Legal Culture

Author(s): George Chiladze

Legal culture is one of complicate phenomeas of social life. It appears as organic unity of jurisdiction and as well as culture.

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