Journal Amirani

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2004 Volume 10

Die Flagge und die Insignien des Stammführers aus der Bronzezeit

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): Paata Bukhrashvili

In Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Berlin sind die berühmte Sammlung über des kaukasische Altertums bewahrt. Die Bestandteile dieser Sammlung wurden vom bekannten Forscher Rudolf von Virchow am Ende des XIX und am Anfang des XX (1882-1902) Jahrhunderts aufgefunden. Er hat diese Dingen von Adelaida Korssnierska, die Witwe vom Fürst Konssniersk, gekauft, daher diese Sammlung trägt den Name „Korssnierska”. Chronologisch stammen die Dinge dieser Sammlung aus ca. Eneolith- und Skytisch-Sarmatische Zeit (Taf. 3). Die Bestandteile dieser Sammlung (etwa 1000) sind in verschiedenen Arten eingeteilt: Beile, Reichsapfel, Stichmesser, Schwerte, Säbel, Lanzenspitze, Lanze, Bogen, Ring, Armbände und viele anthropomorpische oder zoomorpishce Figuren.

2004 Volume 10

Georgian Folk Music and the Ethnogenesis of Georgians

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): Nino Maisuradze

Georgian and north Caucasian musical data - the similarity of intonational and harmonic elements on the earliest stage of musical mentality, the forms of polyphony, typological similarity in the process of further development, the common Caucasian musical and intonational character - point to the existence of the ancient common musical culture on the territory of the Caucasus the creators of which were the local ancient inhabitants of the area. Musical material obviously shows the main, leading role of Kartvelian tribes in formation and further development of the mentioned culture, which had been mainly developing in the limits of the Caucasian musical, intonational and harmonic mentality.

2004 Volume 10

The term "Diligence" - moral and religious senses

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): Zurab Chinchaladze

შრომა ადამიანის გარდაუვალი, აუცილებელი საჭიროებაა; ამასთან ზნეობრივი გრძნობაა, რომელიც სიკეთედ, საღვთო, ანუ საყოველთაო მოწოდებად აღიქმება. "ყოველი შრომა, რომელიც კი სარგებლობას მისცემს კაცს და შეეწევა მის რჩენასა, დიახ არის მადლიანი და საკადრისი" [გაბრიელ ეპისკოპოსი]. ჩვენი "ძველებიც" (წინაპრები) ყოველგვარ ადამიანის "დასარჩენ" - საკეთილდღეო საქმიანობას "საღვთო ზნედ" უხმობდნენ; ყოველი ცოდნა ზნეობააო [არჩილი].

2004 Volume 10

On Scholarly Relationship of Marie Brosset and Platon Ioseliani

Entry date: 2009-11-21

Author(s): Tinatin Zarnadze

Rich cultural and historical heritage of the Georgian people, Georgian antiquities attracted attention of numerous foreign scholars. Of these Marie Brosset, the founder of the Kartvelian Studies in Europe, occupies a special place.The Georgian public took great interest in the activities of the French scholar. Of his epistolary heritage, letters of Georgian figures – Teimuraz Bagrationi, Zakaria Palavandishvili, Rapiel Eristavi, Dimitri Meghvinetukhutsesishvili, are noteworthy. The correspondence between M. Brosset and Platon Ioseliani forms the object of our present interest.

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