Journal Amirani

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2001 Volume 4

Front matter of the volume

Entry date: 2009-11-25

Author(s): Webmaster

Front matter of the volume

2001 Volume 4

Once More on the Problem of Interrelation of the Middle and Late Bronze Ages Cultures in Colchis

Entry date: 2001-01-27

Author(s): Leri Jibladze

A set of elements characteristic of artifacts belonging to the Middle and Late Bronze Ages reveal their genetic links, though in such sphere of the material culture as pottery, this links are manifested rather ambiguously.

2001 Volume 4

Animal-shaped buttons from the Aragvi valley (deer)

Entry date: 2001-01-27

Author(s): Ketevan Ramishvili

Among the smaller artefacts found in the foothills and mountains of eastern Georgia, representations of deer are not uncommon. In the present article, deer figurines used as fibulae will be discussed. The artifacts are made of bronze, poured into moulds. The deer are depicted in right profile, with heads turned toward the viewer. On the basis of the number of turns of the antlers, these appear to be 5-6 year old bucks with large horns. The visible right side is presented in high relief, in a realistic manner as to the representation of bodily features and the effects of light and shadow. This gives the impression of a rounded sculpture, although only the right side of the animal is depicted. The left side is only sketchily worked, and is used to attach the needle of the fibula. The needle, made of iron as a rule, is attached to the rear leg, and closes against a hook attached to the front leg.

2001 Volume 4

To the interpretation of some folk customs

Entry date: 2001-01-27

Author(s): George Chinchaladze

The work gives an allegorical interpretation of some folk customs. The basic idea of actions such as forging an iron, striking lightning or kicking a whip is the idea of death and renewal. Therefore, they were perceived by the people as Sacrifice, which "expelled", "tied" the evil spirit. And lightning, a sword, an arrow, a ploughshare and a bull's horn were identified with a cross - a sign of Christ's victory over hell and death. "Blacksmith" or "Hunter" is sacred metaphor implying the Saints. The patron of blacksmiths among the folks was St. George.

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